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How Owners Can Maximize Project Certainty with Construction Planning Software: A Webinar Recap

Written by :

Dave Finnegan


Touchplan recently hosted a webinar featuring the Head of Strategic Partnerships for Touchplan and former superintendent for Whiting-Turner Andrew Piland, and Tayna Rucker, an Owners Representative for MOCA Systems, Inc.

The two discussed how implementing a digital planning tool can increase project certainty and ROI for construction projects. Additionally, the conversation focused on why more owners require digital planning software, how software fosters better communication and collaboration, and how to overcome technology resistance at the owner level.

Some of the key takeaways from the webinar include:

  • Not all owners know the details that go into a construction project, let alone planning for it. They don’t need to get granular and see the day-to-day activities but seeing the high-level reporting and whether teams are reaching their milestones is valuable in staying on top of the project.
  • The relationship between the GC and Owner and establishing trust is most important. As a GC, having confidence in the plan and having an immediate, accurate answer for the owner in real-time is very important and helpful. The evidence speaks for itself, and now the owner doesn’t have to run around asking multiple people what’s correct.
  • Touchplan is a very flexible software that is very easy to use (like google calendar). If you’re an owner and don’t want to see everything all the time, or even if they don’t want to adopt technology, you can still look at reports and insights to give you an overall understanding in real-time. As a Super, Touchplan gives you a real-time view to build a schedule and generate an effective production system.

If you want to listen to the entire webinar, you can find it on our website.