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Introducing Touchplan’s Lean Coaching Affiliate Program

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Touchplan's new affiliate program is designed to serve its customers’ needs and quickly connect them with high-quality lean construction practitioners that can help with their transitions to managing construction projects with a Lean Mindset.

Touchplan is pleased to announce an exciting new program that makes it easier for our clients to connect with experts and thought leaders in Lean Construction and Last Planner® Methodologies.

We sat down with Jimmy Suppelsa, our Head of Partnerships and Alliances to learn a little more about it and how consultants and clients alike will benefit.

Tell us what the Lean Coach Affiliate Program is all about?

The program is designed to serve the customers’ needs and quickly connect them with high-quality Lean practitioners that can help them with their transitions to managing projects with a Lean Mindset.

What was the motivation behind starting the program?

Our Customer Success team informed us that they were getting regular requests from our clients for referrals to Lean coaches and other consultants throughout the construction industry.

Touchplan has been working with a variety of Lean Consultants since our inception. We saw a prime opportunity to build a better network to make it easier for our clients to access the knowledge base to progress on their Lean journey.

Talk about the value to consultants when they sign up for this program?

Our goal with this program is to make it mutually beneficial for all involved. Clients get access to world-class experts. The consultant community can provide existing clients access to an intuitive program like Touchplan, enabling them to plan their projects more efficiently and improve overall project profitability.

Consultants will also have access to their client’s representative projects in Touchplan, which aid’s their ability to coach their clients throughout the project. Access to analytics allows consultants to track process adoption and gain insights into what’s working and what needs improvement.

Touchplan also provides consultants with the opportunity to express their point of view and thought leadership via our various marketing platforms, including blogs and social media.

Who should sign up for this program? Are there any qualifications candidates need to sign up?

We are looking for Lean coaches and other industry experts who can add value to our clients and expand their network. Respect for people should be a guiding principle, and all should have a dedication to high-end service and continuous improvement.

Interested coaches/consultants would apply to Touchplan at the following link: